New Way of "Electronic Nose" Informativity Increase in the Grape Wines Analysis
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Published: 16 June 2017 | Article Type :Abstract
The sorption of volatile organic compounds of the wine flavor has been studied on thin films of sorbents - modifiers of piezoelectric resonators electrodes which form sensors array of gas analyzer "electronic nose". The sensor array has been trained on the substances (ethanol, 1-butanol, 2-butanol, pentanol-2, ethanoic acid, ethyl acetate, water) and adapted to the wine flavor. It has been established the correlation between sugar content in wine and integral quantitative indicator of piezoelectric quartz crystal microbalance ‒ the "visual print" area of the sensors array responses, reflecting the content of highly volatile substances in the equilibrium gas phase over wine. The parameters of rate and efficiency of highly volatile compounds sorption have been calculated, which could be used for estimation of wine samples quality. The connection of empirical physical and chemical characteristics and piezoelectric quartz crystal microbalance parameters of the wine samples has been studied by principal component analysis. The possibility of quality estimation, different physical and chemical parameters (content of sugar, alcohol), specified wine assortment, presence of artificial flavorings has been demonstrated as a results of the individual substance detection in the equilibrium gas phase over the wine samples by the array of the 7 piezosensors with different films. The new way of wine quality express estimation has been developed by the standard indicators and flavor, which can be an alternative to the preliminary examination in the routine analysis of detecting adulteration.
Keywords: chemical piezosensors, detection of organic vapors (gases), wine quality, expert estimation.

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How to Cite
Tatyana Anatolievna, Kuchmenko, Raisa Pavlovna Lisitskaja, Аnastasiia Аleksandrovna Shuba. (2017-06-16). "New Way of "Electronic Nose" Informativity Increase in the Grape Wines Analysis." *Volume 1*, 1, 25-38